The Effect of Mathematics Learning and Teaching Approaches Course on Pre-Service Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs About Teaching Mathematics
Self-efficacy belief, mathematics, pre-service teacher, field education courseAbstract
The concept of self-efficacy, which enhances individuals' confidence in their abilities and directly impacts their motivation and performance, also influences how teachers present subject matter, the assessment methods they employ, and the tasks they assign in the classroom. Moreover, it can be said that all teaching competencies, particularly pedagogical content knowledge, play a significant role in shaping teachers' beliefs. In this context, the aim of the present study is to examine the effect of the "Mathematics Learning and Teaching Approaches" course which is considered crucial for the development of general teaching competencies, on the self-efficacy beliefs of pre-service teachers. The study group consisted of 88 second-year students enrolled in the Elementary Mathematics Teacher Education and Secondary Mathematics Teacher Education programs at a state university in the Marmara region of Türkiye. A pre-test-post-test group design, which is a pre-experimental model, was chosen from among quantitative research methods for this study. The data for this study were collected using the "Self-Efficacy Beliefs towards Mathematics Teaching Scale," developed by other researchers and administered online to pre-service teachers both before and after the course. Before the course, 39.8% of the pre-service teachers exhibited a medium level of self-efficacy, while 60.2% showed a high level. After the course, the results indicated that 19.3% had a medium level of self-efficacy and 80.7% demonstrated a high level. The t-test results revealed a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores, suggesting that the course had a positive impact on increasing the pre-service teachers' self-efficacy beliefs. Based on the study’s findings, several suggestions were made.
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